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purchase commitments中文是什么意思

用"purchase commitments"造句"purchase commitments"怎么读"purchase commitments" in a sentence


  • 购货约束
  • 购买约定, 购货承诺
  • 预定进货额


  • One criticism leveled at advanced market commitments ( amcs ) , as the purchase commitments are now called , is that they would encourage industry to dust off abandoned , mediocre vaccine candidates
    某个批评声浪则认为,现在称为先行市场委? ( amc )的购买承诺,将鼓励制药业使用那些被抛弃、较为次等的候补疫苗。
  • He envisioned the purchase commitment as a long - term contract specifying clinical criteria , setting up an independent adjudicating committee and requiring poor countries that wanted the vaccine to make a small co - payment
  • There are numerous advantages for this type of organization of the purchasing function , including the ease of standardization of products ; reduction of administrative duplication ; more leverage capability due to a larger quantity of purchases ; limited interdepartmental competition in times of short supply ; more control over purchase commitments ; greater administrative efficiency for suppliers ; and the development of specialization and expertise in purchasing activities
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